
My roots run deep.

Atlanta. Los Angeles. Pensacola.


Born in the deep south, raised on the west coast, inspired by the gulf coast, and finally discovered in Nashville. Rising artist Bekx has spent her entire life surrounding herself with nature and music. From childhood performances on Catalina Island off the coast of LA, to an exciting launch of her music career in Nashville, Bekah Grace Goodman has followed a path full of invigorating experiences that have led her to the big stage.

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Press & Highlights

  • Gaining recognition

    Time Bulletin

    Published alongside the anticipated release of Cigarette in the Rain.

  • The world is ready for Bekx

    Happy Mag

    Featured here in May 2024 for her latest release, Heartwall.

  • Hidden gem

    Nashville Voyager

    Celebrating life, music, family and friends in Nashville.